Context Color Shades

Color shades are typically an important part of your color definition, helping to distinguish various aspects of your UI. As an example, you may need three distinct shades for your primary context color: primaryLight, primary, and primaryDark.

In tw-themes you have a choice when defining your context color shades:

  • you can define your own shade nomenclature (e.g. primaryLight, primary, primaryDark)

  • or you can use tailwind's numeric shade scale (e.g. primary-50, primary-100, primary-200, etc.)

The former provides a more distinct set of color shades, and is accomplished through a Schema definition of a single context color. In turn, your Theme can seed this with either a tailwind color shade (e.g. 'gray-100'), or a custom color (e.g. '#E4E4E7').

The latter provides more automated shades, and is accomplished through a Schema definition of a multi-shaded context color. In this case your Theme must seed this with a tailwind color that is shadable (e.g. 'gray').

As it turns out, the set of context colors you use may represent a mixture of both approaches.

Note on Shade Inversion:

Regardless of which option you use, you may still invert the shades of either approach, providing the Theme is seeding this with tailwind colors. In other words, custom colors cannot be shade inverted.

Best Practice: Use single context colors with your own shade nomenclature

By using your own shade nomenclature, it:

  • represents a more distinct set of shades that is easier to remember and adhere to

  • provides the ability to more finely tune the color shades in-use (by your Theme) for different base colors (for example, your 'Emerald' theme may require a slightly darker primaryLight than other themes)

Best Practice: Avoid using tailwind's numeric shade scales to distinguish context color boundaries.

You may be tempted to define a single context color (say base) using tailwind's multi-shaded numeric scale (base-100, etc.), and then distinguish multiple context color boundaries with this one definition (example: base-100 is primary and base-700 is secondary).

This may sound like a good idea initially, however it is simply too confusing. A heuristic like this hides the underlying real intent, and is hard to remember.

It also doesn't allow color distinctions between your context boundaries ... rather your context distinctions are restricted to shades of the same color.

Most importantly, you cannot change this heuristic without changing all of the markup in your entire application.

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